Thursday, February 20, 2020

Companies should avoid working with charities, because donation from Essay

Companies should avoid working with charities, because donation from products are forcing people do donate - Essay Example â€Å"Some charities do better than others. Some receive 70% or 80% of each dollar raised. But many fall into the dismal category, receiving as little as 33% of each dollar raised† (Fritz, para.4). Companies should not work with charities, as donation through product selling is actually forcing people to donate when they have better ideas where to donate their money. Pink Ribbon Inc. is an internationally operating charity organization, registered in New York. The aim of this organization is to create a global community that supports breast cancer patients. To introduce it from its own website: The Pink Ribbon Foundation Charity Number 1080839 is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment (Pink Ribbon Foundation). There are many wa ys to donate in this charity supported by Pink Ribbon. You can email or call, participate in person at their workplace, or purchase Pink products to participate in the donation. However, the point that is to be discussed here is whether or not it is worth going to Pink Ribbon to buy its products for donation. We already know that consumers are very easily convinced, as they are very sentimental, especially about sensitive issues like breast cancer. Eberlein (para.1) writes in her article that if price and quality of two products are equal, then it is very likely that consumers go for that product which is supported by a sensitive cause. The for-profit organizations selling these products send a portion of the purchase price to the non-profit charity organizations, which use this money for research purposes and other health related causes. Same is the case with Pink Ribbon. Companies share the profit with the non-profit organization supporting the cause of breast cancer elimination. However, the consumers never know what portion of their spent money is going to the cause for research purposes, and how much the company is keeping to itself. It is very important for the consumers to know whether the charity raising campaigns are making the donations useful enough or, being specific, significant enough in amount to support the research purposes. First of all, a product with a pink ribbon on it never guarantees that it is the same company that is supporting the charity. Just viewing a pink ribbon and buying the product will not serve the purpose. It is important to see the name of the company and the charity tie-in in the packaging of the pink product. Even if it is there, the consumer is unaware of the process that follows after he has paid. We may also assume that the consumer is being forced to pay for donations through being manipulated to pay for sensitive causes. That is, companies lure consumers to pay because they are soft-hearted. The consumer must be awar e of the portion that is going to the charity. If the company is sending just a few bucks to the charity, it is not necessary to experience that added feel-good bonus when you can buy the same product somewhere else with the same price. Pinkwashing is also very crucial. This is the term used for the ability of assessing whether the pink ribbon labeled on a product that one is buying is linked to something that is dangerous for health. Kentucky Fried Chicken used pink buckets to support the breast cancer programs, but proved to be a bad choice because

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Response 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response 3 - Essay Example Bernice didn’t care that no one approved of her choice, or that it tore her family apart; she just wanted to achieve her goal of flying as a woman in the Air Force service. I also admired Jeff, though, because, as mentioned above, he had a lot of heroic qualities. Also, I used to be a painter, so I related to this aspect of the character, and also, I used to like to read adventure books and comics that had the same sort of subplot as Jeff’s. After the commencement of extermination of the Jews by the Nazis, there were many responses to Nazi persecution by the Jews in various forms both collective and individual. There were factors that encouraged both rebellion and the inhibition of rebellion and resistance. For example, in a Jewish ghetto, often resistance would be held back by community leaders because of the fear that any Jews caught gathering weapons or planning escape would bring down punishment on the whole community. This was not outlandish thinking, either, because this is exactly how the Nazis meted out justice for individuals: against the whole community. On the other hand, there were organized rebellions and resistance, bolstered by internal support as well as a reaction to external reasons. This is why I think it is important to focus on characters like Jeff, who were very active and heroic in resistance. One thing that may have hindered Jewish resistance during this time was that there was the problem that Jews who did fight back or escape often faced an ambivalent setting in other nations. After the early twentieth century, and arguably long before this as well, the climate in Europe was changing towards a status quo which was turbulent, to say the least, towards those of the Jewish faith: â€Å"at the end of World War I†¦ groups blamed the Jews for the social disruption, political instability, and economic crises that ensued† (Leventhal 2008) At this time, around 1934, the Nazis also began to persecute Jews. Laws were passed